Dear client,
The stock markets end the week with strong setbacks, especially in Europe, where we are suffering from a second wave of Covid 19 infections that may lead to greater restrictions on mobility, with the consequent effect on the economy. Investors have gone from excessive euphoria to recognizing that the scenario is complicated. Unfortunately, despite the price corrections, stock market valuations remain high, which combined with uncertainty about the development of the epidemic during the autumn/winter months advise caution. A significant short-term advance in the development of a vaccine, which we see as unlikely, or an agreement in the US Congress to maintain aid to companies and individuals, which we hope will eventually come, are the two factors that could help stop the stock market corrections. In the currencies the most outstanding is the advance of the dollar and the weakness of the euro, as well as an increase in volatility.
The portfolios have obtained a great revaluation this week, in fact it has been one of the best weeks since our beginnings. As we have been saying, the potential of the portfolio was very high, there were some pairs approaching quite extreme levels and they have finally gone in our favor as we expected. Although some positions have been closed, the potential is still high, as volatility remains, which makes new opportunities appear, as well as allowing us to continue closing profits at a very good pace. Positioning remains somewhat defensive and we remain optimistic about the strategy’s return in the coming months.
We hope you are all well at home and we reiterate that we are at your disposal for anything you may need.
Best regards.
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